Derwent Pastel Pencil Set





Set of 24 in a tin       $59.95  



Set of 24 Derwent Pastel Pencils in a protective tin. Colours included are:
- Process Yellow
- Naples Yellow
- Spectrum Orange
- Cadmium Red
- Crimson
- Magenta
- Violet
- Dixazine Purple
- Ultramarine
- Cyan
- Prussian Blue
- Forest Green
- Pea Green
- Green Oxide
- Olive Green
- Sepia
- Raw Umber
- Yellow Ochre
- Chocolate
- Terracotta
- French Grey Dark
- Aluminium
- Carbon Black
- Titanium White.

Please note that the manufacturers will reserve the right to change the contents of a set without notice. This may happen without us being aware. Generally, this will be substitution of some colours.