Art Spectrum Pastel Set





Set of 30 Landscape Colours       $149.95  



Set of 30 pastels suited to landscape painting. Colours included are:
- P501 Warm White
- P596 Australian Grey
- T508 Spectrum Red
- P507 Coral
- X512 Crimson
- V517 Flinders Red Violet
- D520 Flinders Blue Violet
- P520 Flinders Blue Violet
- V520 Flinders Blue Violet
- T526 Ultramarine Blue
- P523 Tasman Blue
- P527 Blue Grey
- V534 Indigo
- V578 Australian Leaf Green Blue
- V580 Australian Leaf Green Light
- N554 Caput Mortuum
- T554 Caput Mortuum
- P518 Pilbara Red
- P548 Burnt Sienna
- T549 Australian Red Gold
- T544 Raw Sienna
- P540 Yellow Ochre
- T579 Greenish Umber
- T550 Raw Umber
- N550 Raw Umber
- N574 Green Grey
- P576 Australian Leaf Green Dark
- P574 Green Grey
- V573 Grass Green
- P573 Grass Green

Please note that the manufacturers will reserve the right to change the contents of a set without notice. This may happen without us being aware. Generally, this will be substitution of some colours.