Unison Pastel Set





30 Half Stick Assortment       $134.95  



Unison soft pastel set of 30 assorted half sticks. Colours include:
- Red 7
- Red 8
- Red 9
- Red Earth 8
- Red Earth 10
- Red Earth 12
- Yellow 8
- Yellow 9
- Yellow 3
- Yellow 2
- Brown Earth 10
- Brown Earth 12
- Green 1
- Green 8
- Green 9
- Green 3
- Green 6
- Green 11
- Blue Violet 18
- Blue Violet 16
- Grey 9
- Blue Violet 8
- Blue Violet 9
- Blue Violet 10
- Blue Green 8
- Blue Green 10
- Blue Green 12
- Grey 28
- Grey 27
- Grey 36

Please note that the manufacturers will reserve the right to change the contents of a set without notice. This may happen without us being aware. Generally, this will be substitution of some colours.