Blue Earth Pastel Set





Set of 28 Drifter Travel Set       $148.71  



Drifter Colour Wheel Travel Set. The set comprises both colourful and desaturated colours. A great compact travel set that is also at home in the studio. Colours included in the set are:
- Earth Green 1B
- Earth Green 1D
- Earth Green 3D
- Earth Green 7D
- Yellow 1D
- Yellow 3D
- Yellow 5B
- Yellow 7D
- Red 1B
- Red 3B
- Red 5B
- Red 7B
- Lemon 1B
- Lemon 3D
- Lemon 3B
- Lemon 5B
- Lemon 5D
- Lemon 7B
- Orange 1D
- Orange 5D
- Orange 7D
- Blue 1B
- Blue 3B
- Blue 5B
- Blue 5D
- Blue 7B
- Violet 3C
- Violet 7A

Please note that the manufacturers will reserve the right to change the contents of a set without notice. This may happen without us being aware. Generally, this will be substitution of some colours.