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Water Soluable Oils
Renesans Schmincke  
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Renesans Hydr-Oil


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Renesans Hydr-Oil is compatible with both oil and water.
- Use with Acrylics, Aqyla, Oils, Watersoluable Oils & Gouache.
- Use oil mediums, Hydr-Oil mediums and acrylic mediums.
- Thin with water and wash up with soapy water.

Hydr-Oils are genuine oil paints with intense colour, thick texture and excellent lightfastness. The have all the advantages of regular oils, none of the disadvantages, and open up huge artistic possibilities. Their unique properties also means you don't need to use solvents, you can just open the tap. When mixing with regular oils and mediums keep the percentage below 30% to maintain the water soluability. When mixing with acrylics we suggest thinning the Hydr-Oil with some water so as to not thicken the acrylics too much.




Hydr-Oil Sets

Set of 12 60ml Tubes

View Hydr-Oil Sets


Hydr-Oil 60ml Tubes

55 Hydr-Oil Colours

View Hydr-Oil 60ml Range


Hydr-Oil Mediums

Linseed, Painting Medium & Impasto

View Hydr-Oil Mediums