Holbein Watercolour Set





Set of 30 5ml tubes       $174.95  



Set of 30 5ml Holbein watercolours in a cardboard box. Colours include:
- Crimson Lake
- Emerald Green Nova
- Prussian Blue
- Rose Madder
- Permanent Green No.1
- Mineral Violet
- Vermilion Hue
- Permanent Green No.2
- Cobalt Violet Light
- Permanent Yellow Deep
- Sap Green
- Opera
- Aureolin
- Terre Verte
- Burnt Sienna
- Lemon Yellow
- Viridian Hue
- Burnt Umber
- Jaune Brillant No.2
- Compose Blue
- Sepia
- Yellow Ochre
- Cerulean Blue
- Ivory Black
- Olive Green
- Cobalt Blue Hue
- Grey of Grey
- Cobalt Greenv
- Ultramarine Deep
- Chinese White

Please note that the manufacturers will reserve the right to change the contents of a set without notice. This may happen without us being aware. Generally, this will be substitution of some colours.